Buck Cameron, having survived an attempted assassination in London, calls his father to let him know he's alive. From a payphone. In the lobby of his hotel. In Frankfurt. Where he has checked in under the assumed identity under which he intends to return to New York. Also calls Global editor Steve Plank. Uses voice disguising precaution (complimentary washcloth?).
The rebellious daughter:
Chloe, still resistant, abjures her father's exhortation to watch the Rapture video.
The good father:
Ray watches the tape. Learns that Paul's letter to the Corinthians predicted the Rapture, the ensuing chaos, probable martial law, and the coming of a "deceiver [who] will promise strength and peace and security, but ... will speak out against the Most High .... [and try] to take over the world during this terrible time of chaos and confusion. This person is known in the Bible as the Antichrist." The tape concludes with "Nearly eight hundred years before Jesus came to earth the first time, Isaiah in the Old Testament prophesied that the kingdoms of nations will be in great conflict and their faces shall be as flames. To me, this portends World War III, a thermonuclear war that will wipe out millions. Bible prophecy is history written in advance .... You'll find that government and religion will change, war and inflation will erupt, there will be widespread death and destruction, martyrdom of saints, and even a devastating earthquake. Be prepared."
At New Hope Church:
Interim Pastor Barnes tends to his flock. Mass scenes of conversion. Bible sessions implemented. Ray is recruited to join "a core of people."
"Chloe was eager to hear all about it .... and was embarrassed to say she had not watched the tape yet. 'But I will now, Dad .... You're really into this, aren't you? It sounds like something I want to check out, even if I don't do anything about it.'" Also, "Hattie Durham called for you several times. She sounded pretty agitated."
What to do?
Ray talks with Bruce Barnes, accepts his first assignment for that evening: "meeting with the disenchanted and skeptics." Then handles second assignment, calling Hattie Durham. Hattie informs him of Cameron William's death in England. Ray invites her to dinner with himself and Chloe.
Men at work:
"Buck arrived at JFK and immediately called Steve Plank. 'Stay right where you are Buck, you renegade. Do you know who wants to talk with you? .... Nicolae Carpathia himself .... and he's got your old friend Chaim Rosenzweig with him .... So I'll come get you ... we'll get you undead, and you can have that great interview you've been looking for.'" Buck, utilizing the superior skills of mind that have seen him through this far thinks "[i]f there's one guy who's above these international terrorists and bullies ... it will be this Carpathia. If Rosenzweig likes him, he's got to be all right."
Pondering aloud
I've heard of the bible prophesying all manner of death and destruction. This is the first time I've heard of a biblical prophecy of inflation.
Previous posts: Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
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