Monday, May 16, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Twenty-two

On a plane, en route to O'Hare from New York.

Buck, pondering the events from the "Russian Pearl Harbor" to the present and reflecting on his faith muses it "seemed as if he were living in a science fiction thriller." Believes he might be ready to be born again. Plans to talk to Pastor Barnes for "personal" reasons when he arrives in Chicago.

Chloe, prays for a miracle and gets it. Talks about her conversion with Buck. Tells her father she's come to Jesus.

Ray, prays with Chloe in the first class section of the plane. The authors leaven this moment with a joke which centers on father daughter incest.

The score: One soul for Jesus (Chloe), one en route (Buck).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Twenty-one

Buck's new job. Duties as managing editor of Global Weekly will send him to Chicago to find a replacement for Raptured local editor Lucinda (finally, a minor character who reappears -- in a manner of speaking). This will place Buck on Ray's flight to O'Hare and in the seat next to Chloe.

Buck's Interview with Ray, Chloe & Hattie at the Carlisle. Rayford Steele uses the opportunity to spread his message of the real meaning of the "disappearances" and the second chance that has been given believers to save their souls. Tension builds as Buck struggles to overcome his secular prejudices. Blah blah blah blah.

Final takeaway, wherein your correspondent gives an aesthetic critique of the above. The entire "action" of the "Left Behind" series is the theological struggle of non believers to grapple with belief. This is done through 400 pages of agonizingly bad death porn seasoned with evangelical Christian triumphalism. Those who are truly interested in these matters would be far better served to read this. Magnitudes of order better, 10% the length, and free on the Kindle App.

Left Behind: Chapter Twenty

At the Pan-Con Club: Chloe and Rayford, waiting for Hattie. Hattie shows up. Buck shows up, following Hattie and hoping to interview the pilot of his flight during the Rapture. Buck takes a shine to Chloe. Chloe takes a shine to Buck. Ray talks Rapture and Jesus and conversion to Hattie, while also talking adultery, immaturity, and other shortcomings. Hattie's torch for Ray is extinguished. She does not seem to take a shine to Jesus. Buck arranges an interview with Ray. Ray will share with Buck his Rapture theory of the disappearances and his conversion story.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Nineteen

An Office Conference Brings Everything Together. Global Weekly owner Bailey brings Steve and Buck into his office. Demands to know what’s going on. We learn: Nicolae has a plan. Todd-Cothran to become a U.N. figure. Botswanan Secretary-General to step down and head home with secret Israeli formula. United Nations to be relocated to Babylon. Jonathan Stonagal is the financier behind the multi-billion dollar renovation of Babylon.

Carpathia’s plan as Secretary-General

“He’s asking for resolutions supporting … the seven year peace treaty with Israel … the [United Nations headquarters] move to Babylon. The establishment of one religion for the world, probably headquartered in Italy … is going to help [the Jews] rebuild their temple during the years of the peace treaty …. Militarily, he wants a commitment to disarmement of member nations, the destruction of ninety percent of their weapons, and the donation of the other ten percent to the U.N.”

What about Eric Miller, the guy who fell off the Staten Island Ferry and drowned? Buck was “stunned to find he had written about the rebuilding and improvement in Babylon. The title of Miller’s series was ‘New Babylon, Stonagal’s Latest Dream.’”

What does Buck make of all of this? “If the rest of the U.N. went along with Nicolae’s conditions, he would become the most powerful leader in the world overnight.”

Eli & Moishe Live on CNN. Rayford watches their preaching knowing that he is witness to “the first of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists being converted to Christ before his eyes.”

Takeaway: Global religion, probably based in Italy? These people?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Eighteen

Moishe & Eli in the news: Sinister hooded assassins, armed with Israeli military equipment wend their way through the crowd to the prophets. Broadcast of assassins being slain on approach, live from the Wailing Wall. M & E still proselytize immenent return of Christ the Messiah.

Hattie in New York: Despite initial misgivings, Buck agrees to introduce her to Carpathia. Carpathia gives Hattie his card, which Buck examines. The card gives Carpathia’s address as the Plaza! Has a handwritten number – a secret/private line at the Secretary General’s office in the U.N.! Buck realizes he has an inside scoop on Carpathia’s plan.

The guy briefly introduced in Chapter Sixteen, who dies in a ferry accident in Chapter Seventeen: Widow suspects unnatural causes. Reaches out to Buck & Steve for answers.
Ray and Chloe: still talking about Hattie and the adultery that didn’t happen. Waiting to meet Ms. Durham in the Pan Con club at the New York airport.

Steve Planck: spills to Buck about the Botswanan Secretary-General’s plan to step down and return to his country with the Israeli secret formula for desert florafication.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Seventeen

Items in the News. President Fitz: "At this difficult hour in world history, it's crucial that lovers of peace and unity step forward ... any friend of peace is a friend of the United States, and Mr. Carpathia is a friend of peace." Moishe & Eli: "Have stood before the Wailing Wall ... preaching in a style frankly reminiscent of the old American evangelists .... Orthodox Jews charge [them] with desecrating [the] holy place by proclaiming that Jesus Christ of the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Torah's prophecy of a messiah."

Items behind the News. "Buck Williams had returned to his apartment after midnight, assured by Nicolae Carpathia that his worries were over. Carpathia had phoned Jonathan Stonagal, put him on speakerphone, and Stonagal had ... made a phone call to London that cleared Williams. Buck heard Todd-Cothran's husky-voiced agreement to call off the Yard and Interpol. Buck realizes that "this proves Dirk was right! Stonagal is conspiring with Todd-Cothran, and you [Carpathia] know it!" Carpathia mentions that he needs a press secretary. Buck demurs, suggests Eric Miller of the elevator tussle in Chapter Sixteen.

The News, biblically interpreted. Pastor Barnes convenes an emergency meeting to discuss Revelations. "If I'm reading it right, the Antichrist will soon come to power, promising peace and trying to unite the world."
"What's wrong with uniting the world?" Barnes: "There might be nothing wrong with that, except that the Antichrist will be a great deceiver ... this will result in a great war, probably World War III."
"What about the young man from Europe who is so popular with the United Nations?" Barnes: "I'm impressed with him ... [but] we need to keep an eye on him."

Calendar of Events, Seven-Sealed Scroll from Revelation 5 version: a white horse, a red horse, a black horse and a pale horse"
1. White horseman "three months of diplomacy while getting organized and promising peace."
2. Red horse "War. Antichrist will be opposed by three rulers from the south, and millions will be killed."
3. Black horse "inflation and famine. As the rich get richer, the poor starve to death. More millions will die that way."
4. Pale horse "the symbol of death. Besides the post-war famine, a plague will sweep the entire world. Before the fifth Seal Judgment, a quarter of the world's population will be dead."
5. fifth Seal Judgment "Remember the 144,000 Jewish witness who try to evangelize the world for Christ? Many of their converts ... will be martyred by the world leader and the harlot, which is the name for the one world religion that denies Christ."
6. sixth Seal Judgment "God pouring out his wrath against the killing of his saints. This will come in the form of a worldwide earthquake so devastating ... so bad that PEOPLE WILL CRY OUT FOR ROCKS TO FALL ON THEM AND PUT THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY."
7. The Seventh Seal "introduces the seven Trumpet Judgments .... I don't want to get into those ... but I warn you they are progressively worse."

What about Moishe & Eli? "Revelation 11:3-14 makes it clear that God's two special witnesses, with supernatural power to work miracles, will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days ... anyone who tries to harm them will be devoured. No rain will fall during the time that they prophesy. The will be able to turn water to blood and to strike the earth with plagues whenever they want. Satan will kill them at the end of three and a half years ... people they have tormented will celebrate their deaths ... but after three and a half days, they will rise from the dead and ascend to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watch."

Pastor Barnes puts it all together. "It has not rained in Jerusalem since the disappearances ... they have miraculous powers .... We're on their side. We have to do our parts."

Meanwhile, back in New York. Buck is asked to become editor of Global Weekly. Steve has accepted the job of Carpathia's press secretary. Eric Miller has washed up dead on Staten Island. Hattie is flying to New York. Ray & Chloe are flying to New York. Hattie calls Buck, arranges to meet him, with an eye to getting an introduction to Carpathia.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Sixteen

@ The Plaza: Steve gets arrested as Oreskovich/Buck. Steve jostles with fellow newsman Eric Miller en route to Carpathia's suite. Steve gets his exclusive with Carpathia.

Great things are in the works: Carpathia and BFF Rosenzweig are prepared to broker a peace between the U.N. and Israel, guaranteeing Israeli security for seven years in exchange for Rosenzweig's formula for desert florification. Stonegal may become the next Secretary General of the United Nations. U.S. president Gerald Fitzhugh, aka "Fitz," calls on Nicolae and invites him to the White House.

What about Buck's problems with the authorities? Carpathia assures him that he "will arrange to have the London tragedies revisited and reevaluated, exonerating you."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Fifteen

Hattie & Rayford: On the outs, for real. Hattie calls Ray, seeking a sympathetic ear for her spill on her sister's failing abortion practice. Ray has a complete commiseration fail, pointing out that problem of "no babies" points to larger problems. Hattie confesses onetime ardor for Ray, Ray attempts to lure Hattie into conversion conversation. Hattie hangs up on Ray.

Buck & Steve: More nonsense over the assumed identity, pub bombing incident. Buck is wanted for murder! Buck has an exclusive interview with Carpathia at the Plaza! Steve agrees to pose as Oreskovich, Buck will pose as Steve, the police (NYPD! Scotland Yard! Interpol!) will be deluded just long enough to arrest Steve and for Buck to get in to see Carpathia. This will probably work. But first, off to Steve's secretary Marge's apartment to watch the Nightline interview!

Chloe & Jesus: Slowly coming together. Replacing the stolen tape is her idea! Chloe is still playing coy, but has toned down on hard-to-get.

Carpathia, accolades accruing thereto: Nightline interview breaks the news that "People magazine [has broken] tradition by ... unseating their current sexiest man and installing you in his place." Carpathia uses this opportunity to propose universal disarmament, arming of the United Nations, and expanding the Security Council to ten members.

"Does this guy look like the Antichrist to you?" Chloe says it best: "He looks like a breath of fresh air to me .... if he's a deceiver, maybe he's a good one." Clearly, Chloe, Ray, Steve & Buck (watching from Marge's apartment before heading to the Plaza) & Hattie think this man is a force for good. Hattie wants to meet him in person and believes Buck may be the man to make this happen.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Left Behind: Chapter Fourteen

Details unwasted: At the U.N. press conference Carpathia calls on a Mr. Oreskovitch, "or I should say, 'Mr. Cameron Williams of Global Weekly." Carpathia, or, "St. Nick," details the history of the U.N. and talks nuclear weapons from "Japan in 1945" to when "the Soviet Union first detonated its own devices September 23, 1949."

Reagan as John the Baptist? "Reagan escalated the East-West controversies, and the U.N. seemed a thing of the past .... this organization was in trouble financially, with few members willing to pay their share." But but, wait: "However, your next president, Mr. Bush, recognized what he called the 'new world order,' which resonated deep within my young heart.

The Disappearances, addressed: "Dr. Rosenzweig believes that some confluence of electromagnetism in the atmosphere, combined with ... atomic ionization from the nuclear power and weaponry throughout the world, could have been ignited or triggered ... perhaps by an intelligent life-form ... and caused this instant action throughout the world."

Disappearances, domestic front: Ray and Chloe head home from the airport, in separate cars. Chloe is first to arrive, an event set up by a 1/2 page discussion of the relative fuel levels of the separate cars they take home. When she gets home the house has been burglarized. Several pages of panic, discussion of post-Rapture lawlessness, necessity of getting saved. Least likely stolen item: Pastor's Rapture tape. Fortunately, this enables Chloe to request another copy, of her own accord.

What does it all mean? Perhaps a global pacifist organization such as the U.N., almost but not quite done in by Ronald Reagan, can restrain the impulse toward nuclear destruction that brought about the global catastrophe of mass disappearance and usher in a new era of peace.

Or? Perhaps a charismatic Eastern European politician and his Israeli scientist henchman will use the impulse toward disarmament and global solidarity as a stalking horse to ensure global subjugation to the Powers of Darkness and usher in a seven year reign of Evil.

If there's a gun on the wall in the First Act: Kudos to LaHaye and Jenkins for carefully setting up the scenario wherein the Steele home is burglarized, and Buck Williams is addressed by his undercover identity.

But: doubtless a minor quibble, but this reader picked a nit over the omission of the attempted nuclear annihilation of Israel during the discussion of the world's history of nuclear weapons. Of course, Chekov was a notorious russkie and probable protocommie, anyway.