"[A]mazing progress [had] been made at clearing the roadways ... [b]ut the landscape would appear tacky for months."
What about the Jews?
Back at the offices of the Global Weekly, we learn that "Jewish Nationalists ... are warming to one world government .... [This] idea is so revolutionary. Most Israeli Nationalists think the Holy Land has gone too far with its bounty already." Jonathan "Diamond John" Stonegal also is involved.
What about Chloe?
Returns home. Father and Daughter have heart-to-heart about the Rapture. Chloe mentions that "in California they're actually buying into the space invasion theory." Ray remembers that as a teenager, "Chloe had come home from more than one party drunk enough to spend the night vomiting."
Thoughts turn to missing Wife/Mother Son/Brother
Ray: "You want to know where I think they are? I believe they are in heaven ... if the Christians are gone and everyone else is left, I don't think anyone is a Christian."
Chloe: "Daddy, what does that make [g]od? Some sick, sadistic dictator?" "Who wants to go to heaven with a [g]od like that?"
End times A/V Club to the rescue
Fortunately Irene's Church has a tape. "Dad! A tape for those left behind? Please!" Ray and Chloe make plans to pick up the tape the next day.
What about Dirk?
Still unable to get through, Buck tries Dirk's office. Speaks with Dirk's supervisor, Nigel Leonard, who informs Buck that "Mr. Burton .... suffered a bullet wound to the head .... suicide has been determined." Convinced that it was not a suicide, Buck books a flight to Heathrow out of LaGuardia.
Carpathia will be flying into LaGuardia that same day.
The wrap
Diamond John and the Jews are meeting in New York and may have plans for a new world order. Carpathia is flying to New York to address the United Nations. Buck is flying to England to uncover the truth about Dirk's putative suicide. Ray is turning to true Christianity, and is determined to take his skeptical daughter with him. The landscape will appear tacky for months.
Clearest sign yet that the end times have arrived
LaGuardia has international service
Previous posts: Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Next post: Chapter 10
Next post: Chapter 10
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